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A community of like minded women

In April 2020 I read an article mentioning that expat women become entrepreneurs in The Netherlands because of the difficulties of landing a job.

As a woman with working experience in different countries, I can tell you that I feel familiarised with what I was reading.

But, why not we increase conversations between employers and potential candidates? That's what I'm working on everyday at the Women Hiring Circle.

I'm focusing on building a community of women with working experience in different fields, Why? Because that what we need more diverse teams and include more women (local or expats) into different business units, from tech to science, academy or communications.

When you belong to a community with ambitious ideas and plans, you will leave the room with more inspiration and energy to work on your personal and professional goals.

I created a membership scheme at the Women Hiring Circle, because there are 3 ways to be involved with us:

  1. As a D&I Patron

  2. As a Community Member

  3. As a Business Member

Frequently I've been asked if the community is only for women seeking a job. And the answer is: no. Our 4 pillars are: Community, Growth, Learning and Network.

If you want to join a community where you can even learn about other communities, find information about events or workshops, learn about personal branding along other interesting topics from other women and increase your networking skills. Join us!

There is a diverse variety of topics we talk about, because D&I involves a lot.

To become a member follow this 3 steps:

  1. Fill the form available on this website.

  2. Attend a Welcome Session, click here to see when is the next one.

  3. Select the Membership that suits you best on Patreon.

See you on the next Welcome Session!

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